Hello Tomos riders. First of all I would like to apologize for posting this in English. I am from Belgium and I have been reading this forum for a while with a translator. because I would like to learn more about my moped.
I hope one of you could help me. I own an old Tomos t3p colibri from the 1960s. I want to repair this moped and I have discovered that it has a special aluminum cylinder. The Puch and Tomos models delivered here in the 60's always have a cast iron cylinder, which makes this moped quite unique in my collection. My question is whether I need special piston rings in this cylinder?
it looks to me like the cylinder has a special casting? I don't know whether it has a chrome layer or not? The piston rings have a little wear and I want to replace them. but I'm not sure if hardened steel rings are allowed in here.
or if I need a special type ring for aluminum cilinder.
Thank you for your advice.